
This part of the site offers a few old­er sig­nif­i­cant works in and on Livo­ni­an for down­load and also access to sev­er­al new­er impor­tant resources. The two new­er resources list­ed below are the Livo­ni­an-Esto­ni­an-Lat­vian Dic­tio­nary pub­lished in 2012 and the Lat­vian-Livo­ni­an-Eng­lish Phrase­book pub­lished in 1999. The Livo­ni­an-Esto­ni­an-Lat­vian Dic­tio­nary is the most impor­tant work on Livo­ni­an in recent time. It includes not only an exten­sive col­lec­tion of Livo­ni­an words but also places them in the con­text of sen­tence exam­ples. The full list of Livo­ni­an declen­sion and con­ju­ga­tion types is also given in the dic­tio­nary. The link below is for the search­able online ver­sion of the dic­tio­nary; how­ev­er, the print ver­sion con­tains addi­tion­al  infor­ma­tion on Livo­ni­an gram­mar not present in the online ver­sion.  The Lat­vian-Livo­ni­an-Eng­lish Phrase­book is one of the few major resources for Eng­lish-speak­ing learn­ers of Livo­ni­an avail­able online and is a use­ful resource for learn­ing some prac­ti­cal Livo­ni­an and for see­ing how Livo­ni­an can be used in every­day sit­u­a­tions.

Livis­che Gram­matik neb­st Sprach­proben is the first gram­mat­i­cal descrip­tion of Livo­ni­an and in addi­tion to describ­ing the Livo­ni­an spo­ken in the coast vil­lages of north­ern Kurze­me, also describes the Sala­ca Livo­ni­an dialect (spo­ken near the mouth of the Sala­ca River on the east­ern shore of the Gulf of Rīga near the present-day Lat­vian-Esto­ni­an bor­der), which has not been spo­ken since approx­i­mate­ly the 1860s. The Sala­ca dialect was the last vari­ety of Livo­ni­an to be spo­ken in an area out­side of the Livo­ni­an Coast.

Jemakīel lugdõbrān­tõz skūol ja kuod pierast (Moth­er Tongue Read­ing Book for School and Home) is the read­er writ­ten and pub­lished by Livo­ni­an speak­er, teacher, and cul­tur­al activist Pētõr Damberg dur­ing the pre-WWII Lat­vian inde­pen­dence peri­od. Intend­ed for use by chil­dren for study of Livo­ni­an, this read­er remains a won­der­ful resource for learn­ers and those with some knowl­edge of oth­er Finnic lan­guages inter­est­ed in learn­ing some Livo­ni­an. Sim­i­lar­ly, the Līvõd lugdõbrōn­tōz (Livo­ni­an Read­ing Book) series serves a sim­i­lar func­tion. The­se books, com­piled by lin­guists Lau­ri Ket­tunen and Oskar Loorits before WWII, provide a won­der­ful col­lec­tion of texts of all sorts con­tribut­ed by Livo­ni­an speak­ers from this peri­od on a vari­ety of top­ics often writ­ten in the col­lo­qui­al lan­guage of the speak­ers of the time.

Līvõd tek­stõd is a col­lec­tion of Livo­ni­an texts com­piled by Livo­ni­an native speak­er Val­da Šuvcāne in the ear­ly 1990s. The col­lec­tion con­tains texts from a num­ber of dif­fer­ent sources includ­ing Damberg’s Jemakīel lugdõbrān­tõz, Ket­tunen and Loorits’ Līvõd Lugdõbrōn­tõz series as well as the pre-WWII news­pa­per “Līvli”, oth­er pre-WWII Livo­ni­an com­mu­ni­ty pub­li­ca­tions, and lat­er doc­u­men­ta­tion of Livo­ni­an by lin­guists. Šuvcāne’s col­lec­tion does not alter the orthog­ra­phy of the pre-WWII texts and there­fore despite being a more recent pub­li­ca­tion, does not adhere to more recent Livo­ni­an ortho­graph­ic prac­tice. This ver­sion was retyped from the orig­i­nal by me and the Lat­vian intro­duc­to­ry mate­ri­al was also trans­lat­ed by me. The final two entries below link to the full archive of “Līvli” and to a down­load­able ver­sion of Lau­ri Kettunen’s exten­sive Livo­ni­an-Ger­man dic­tio­nary and gram­mat­i­cal sum­ma­ry pub­lished in 1938. Both of the­se resources are locat­ed in the online col­lec­tion of the Finnish Nation­al Library.

Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārōn­tõz (Livo­ni­an-Esto­ni­an-Lat­vian Dic­tio­nary)
Authors: Tiit-Rein Viit­so and Valts Ernštre­its

Click here to search the dic­tio­nary online. (Not a down­load link.)

(Image Source.)
Lat­vian-Livo­ni­an-Eng­lish Phrase­book
Authors: Val­da Šuvcāne and Ieva Ernštre­ite

Click here to read this book.

(Image Source.)
Livis­che Gram­matik neb­st Sprach­proben
Authors: Andreas Johan Sjö­gren (1794–1855) and Fer­di­nand Johann Wiede­mann (1805–1887)

Click here to read about this book and its authors.

Click here to read this book.

(Note: The PDF of this book is quite large (~50MB), so it’s prob­a­bly best to down­load it direct­ly rather than try­ing to view it in your browser.)
Jemakīel lugdõbrān­tõz skūol ja kuod pierast (Moth­er Tongue Read­ing Book for School and Home)
Author: Pētõr Damberg (1909–1987)

Click here to read about this book and its author.

Click here to read this book.
Līvõd Lugdõbrõn­tõz
Edi­tors: Lau­ri Ket­tunen (1885–1963) and Oskar Loorits (1900–1961)

Click here to read vol­umes 1–4.

Click here to read vol­ume 5.
Līvõd Tek­stõd (Livo­ni­an Texts)
Edi­tor: Val­da Šuvcāne (1923–2007)

Click here to read this book.
The Livo­ni­an-lan­guage news­pa­per “Līvli” (The Livo­ni­an)

Click here to browse and read all pre-WWII issues of “Līvli”.
Livis­ches Wörter­buch mit gram­ma­tis­cher Ein­leitung
Author: Lau­ri Ket­tunen

Click here to read this book.