
This sec­tion pro­vides a list of oth­er Livo­ni­an-relat­ed resources. is the web­site asso­ci­at­ed with the Livo­ni­an Cul­tur­al Asso­ci­a­tion (Līvõ kultūr sidām) and pro­vides up to date infor­ma­tion on events hap­pen­ing in the Livo­ni­an com­mu­ni­ty along with exten­sive infor­ma­tion on the Livo­ni­an peo­ple, their his­to­ry, and home­land. This web­site is avail­able in Eng­lish, Lat­vian, and Livo­ni­an.

Līvõ kēļ on Face­book is a great resource for dai­ly expo­sure to Livo­ni­an. This site posts a Livo­ni­an word each day along with occa­sion­al infor­ma­tion on Livo­ni­an gram­mar and sug­ges­tions for using Livo­ni­an in every­day life.

The Livo­ni­an-Esto­ni­an-Lat­vian Dic­tio­nary is the most sig­nif­i­cant recent work on Livo­ni­an. Pub­lished in 2012, many of its entries are list­ed with full sen­tence exam­ples show­ing words used in con­text. It also pro­vides the full par­a­digms for Livo­ni­an declen­sion and con­ju­ga­tion type.

Livo­ni­an audio record­ings at the Archive of Esto­ni­an and Kin­dred Lan­guages at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tar­tu (the link takes you to a search page, search for “liivi” or “Livo­ni­an” to find the rel­e­vant record­ings on Livo­ni­an).

Livo­ni­an life sto­ries is a page con­tain­ing mem­o­ries of life on the Livo­ni­an Coast by Māra Zirnīte.

Infor­ma­tion on the Livo­ni­an Folk Cal­en­dar by Kris­ti Salve.